Sunday, January 12, 2025

Vegan Guide to Austria


Veganism In Austria

Christmas-Market-Vienna-min-300x208The vegan campaign ads and graffiti in Vienna let you know that the vegan community there is alive and kicking.  It’s easy to be vegan in Austria since nearly 10% of the people in Austria are either vegetarian or vegan. We hope you  will enjoy our vegan guide to Austria!

Though the local diet is heavy on meat and cheese, nearly every regular restaurant will have vegetarian or vegan options. For a  better understanding of what local common dishes are available, be sure to check our Local Food tab.

Vegan options are more easily found in ethnic restaurants than mainstream Austrian establishments. You can easily find some vegan restaurants almost in every big city you travel. Vienna boasts a big number of vegan restaurants and cafés, some serving sophisticated vegan cuisine. Vegan Snacks and mock meat and cheese can be found in abundance in most mainstream supermarkets.

Farmers’ markets abound from spring to fall with seasonal items from apples to pears, delicious strawberries, berries and prize-winning vegetables. Many organic farms sell their produce in open air markets or on special shelves in supermarkets. Learn some German Vegan Vocabulary to be understood anywhere you go.

Austria’s Animal Protection laws are among the most stringent ones and merit mentioning and kudos.  Animal cruelty is severely punished. For example, tigers and lions have been banished from circus acts and dogs’ ears and tails cannot be amputated any longer. Violators pay very high fines for disobeying. 

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