Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Massive Attack Serves Entirely Vegan Menu At Eco-Conscious Gig


The festival, Act 1.5, was named for the global temperature rise limit set in the Paris Climate Agreement 

A festival organized by British trip hop legends Massive Attack has been dubbed one of the greenest gigs ever of its scale, with entirely vegan catering offered to attendees.

Act 1.5 took place last weekend at Clifton Downs in Bristol, Massive Attack’s home town. The one-day event, which featured music and talks, was intended to demonstrate how the music industry can cut its climate impact. As well as vegan food, Act 1.5 ran entirely on renewable energy. Attendees were encouraged to walk, cycle, and use public transport to reach the venue. Reusable cups were available and glitter and disposable vapes were banned to reduce harmful plastic waste. The name “1.5” comes from the 1.5C global warming limit outlined by the Paris Climate Agreement.

Among the food vendors were Bristol vegan caterers Chiki Monkey and Soy Ahoy. The other vendors were not vegan, but they all plant-based menus at the festival. The festival organizers explained on Instagram that “sourcing plant based providers with major event capacity isn’t as easy as you might think.”

Veganism in the music scene

                 Massive Attack commissioned a report on how to make the music industry low carbon
                                                                  Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

Ahead of the festival, Massive Attack published a Roadmap to Super Low Carbon Live Music. The resource was commissioned by the band and produced by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. According to the report, audience travel accounts for the majority of emissions from live music events. It doesn’t specify food-related emissions, but according to a study from Music Declares Emergency Switzerland, food and drinks contribute about 10 percent of festival emissions.

Massive Attack aren’t the only band trying to remake the music industry into a more positive force for the climate, including by making gigs vegan. Billie Eilish has become as well-known for her veganism and climate activism as her music. In 2022, during her inaugural OVERHEATED climate-action week, London’s O2 Arena ditched all animal products.

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