Wednesday, February 26, 2025

"I Went Whole-Food, Plant-Based at 60 and Reversed Sleep Apnoea, Prediabetes"


By Elisa Dworak

I never liked meat, so I went vegetarian as a young adult, and I dabbled in veganism starting in 2011. But I ate lots of unhealthy vegan foods, like potato chips, french fries, Oreo cookies, and dairy-free Ben & Jerry’s. I used food, especially highly processed salty and sweet foods, as a coping mechanism. The more I ate, the more I wanted. (I have since learned that food manufacturers specifically engineer their ultra-processed foods with “bliss points” to keep consumers hooked.)

In November 2019, I reached a milestone birthday, turning 60—but instead of celebrating, I felt depressed. I was severely overweight, had sleep apnoea, and was prediabetic.

A New Beginning During the Pandemic

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, my job transitioned to remote work. I lived alone and was feeling lonely in the first few weeks. But one day I realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to look within and start taking care of myself. I had watched the Forks Over Knives documentary, so I was aware of the whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) lifestyle. I decided to give it a shot and see if it was something I could sustain. I did some research on the FOK website, downloaded the Forks Over Knives Recipe App for cooking inspiration, and took things one day at a time. Soon, my depression began to lift.

Seeking a gym alternate during the pandemic, I purchased resistance bands and an elliptical machine so I could work out at home. Movement became an essential part of my routine.

Discovering the Joy of Cooking

I really enjoyed getting into my kitchen and using my blender to make hummus, smoothies, salad dressings, fruit sorbet, oat milk, and date paste. I loved that I didn’t have to count calories or worry about portion sizes, and I never went hungry. I found the food to be filling and satisfying and very beautiful, with all of the vibrant colors of the plant world!

To make sure I stayed on track even during busy days, I started planning ahead. I cooked big pots of soup and chili on the weekends so there were plenty of leftovers for the upcoming week. I kept an assortment of cooked grains and potatoes, steamed and raw vegetables, greens, and a few dressings/sauces in the fridge, as well as canned beans and whole wheat pasta and wraps in my pantry. That way, I could mix and match and have healthy meals at the ready. I started always carrying some fruit in my purse in case I got hungry on the go. For an evening treat, I turned to homemade sorbet or a few squares of 85% dark chocolate. Soon my clothes were getting loose and I could see myself slimming down when I looked in the mirror.

5 Years On

I wasn’t sure where this lifestyle would take me, but over the past five years I’ve gradually lost 115 pounds and reversed my prediabetes and sleep apnoea.

One of my proudest moments of this journey was getting skin removal surgery on my arms in fall 2023 so I could wear a sleeveless dress for my niece’s wedding. I stayed with my sister for a few days to recover. Prior to that, she had expressed concern that I might not be eating enough, since I was losing so much weight. But as I stayed with her and she saw the large volume of food I ate, she stopped worrying and told my mom to stop worrying, too! Just to be safe, I had a physical, and my lab results were all normal. Achieving a healthy BMI was a milestone I never thought possible. I believe my body knows the best weight for me when I nourish it properly and stay active.

A Passion for Helping Others

When we returned to the office in fall 2022, my co-workers were shocked to see the new me and asked how I had done it. I love sharing resources, encouragement, and tips with those who are interested. Last year, I earned my certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through the Center for Nutrition Studies, and I plan to enroll in a certified health and wellness coaching program within the next year after I retire.

I’ve also expanded my exercise routine to include Zumba, yoga, and weightlifting. When I lift a 45-pound weight plate at the gym, I can’t believe I used to carry over twice that amount as excess weight on my body! No wonder I had four falls resulting in injuries in the two years before adopting this lifestyle—carrying that much weight made movement awkward and difficult. These days, I feel light and nimble.

Now, at 65, I’m in the best shape of my life and thriving. I’m excited for the next chapter and hope to inspire and support others who want to improve their health through a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. 

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