Saturday, February 4, 2023

4 Vegan Egg Alternatives To Consider That Are Still More Expensive Than Eggs


With the price of eggs continuing to soar, many consumers are naturally looking for cost-saving alternatives. Well, we wish we could tell you that vegan egg replacers were cheaper, but for the most part, they aren’t. Sure, you could try using chickpea juice or ground-up flaxseed like some crunchy influencer, but we both know it’s not going to work right. You’ll just end up pissed off at the world and the lying Instagram vegans who somehow make everything look easy.

Instead, check out these easier-to-use vegan egg alternatives that still cost more than even overpriced chicken eggs. At least you’ll feel some fleeting moral superiority for giving them a shot!

Bob’s Red Mill Egg Substitute

A twelve-ounce bag of this powdered egg replacement costs about five dollars and is allegedly equivalent to thirty-four eggs. While that may seem like a steal these days, you’ll probably use your entire first bag on trial-and-error batches of baked goods that turn out like shit and end up wasting $20 worth of other ingredients. We wish it weren’t true, but it is.


For around four to six bucks, you can snag a bottle of this decent egg replacement for scrambles at most grocery stores. It has eight eggs worth in each bottle so don’t do the math because you will realize it’s still super expensive. It’s vegan though! Keep reminding yourself of that.

JUST Egg Folded

For roughly the same price as a bottle of JUST Egg, but now with just four servings, JUST Egg Folded is premade and really convenient and delicious if you want to make a breakfast sandwich that’s low in cholesterol. But lower in price? Hell no! Instead, focus on the cholesterol part so you feel okay about it.


If you’re looking for a plant-based egg replacement that has a cutesy vegan name that doesn’t really make sense, look no further than “Peggs.” This chickpea-based product costs thirty-six dollars for three dozen Peggs (are we using that right?). So until eggs reach a dollar each, Peggs aren’t cheap. Check back in a few months, though, because that very well may happen. 

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